Film lighting-HMI lights

HMI 1200w Cool Light

HMI stands for Hydrargyrum medium-arc iodide. So, we often call it HMI light. HMI lights are a metal-halide gas discharge medium arc-length lamp. HMI lamps are capable of between 85 and 108 lumens per watt, up to four times that of conventional incandescent lamps. They’re able to produce that high of output because of a chemical reaction between mercury and electricity in the bulb. 

HMI bulbs can emit a 6000K color temperature light to match sunlight.

But how to use it ?

When a high output is required, we will use HMI lights. They are also used to recreate sun shining through windows (in above image) or to fake additional sun while shooting exteriors. HMIs can light huge areas at once. 

  • Advantages of HMI lights 
  • High light output
  • Higher efficiency 
  • High color temperature
  • Disadvantages of HMI lights:
  • High cost
  • High power requirement
  • Dims only to about 50%the color temperature increases with dimming
  • HMI bulbs will explode is dropped and release toxic chemicals 

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