Motion Graphic

Motion graphics are a type of animation. While motion graphics describes moving or animated graphic design, the animation is an umbrella term for the whole field of moving imagery, including everything from cartoons to claymation. Motion graphics focus on giving movement to graphic design elements but tend to have less of a concrete storytelling aspect than other …

How to make a sound effects.

The secrets to enhancing sounds effects in your films and media are likely sitting in your very own home, and they’re called Foley Artist Tricks.  How do I make SFX sounds? It all starts with the recording process, which can generally be broken down into two distinct categories. Room acoustics are essential to capturing a …

Mix 2d and a real shot

2d drawing can create a creative effect with a real shots. Lucas Levitan is a Brazilian artist known for his ability to turn casual pictures into hilarious works of art. In his ongoing series called “Photo Invasion” (previously here) Lucas uses other people’s Instagram photos as canvases for his own creations. He takes a picture …

Different art styles-collage art

Coined by cubist artists Braque and Picasso, the term “collage” comes from the French word coller, or “to glue.” The movement itself emerged under this pair of artists, who began working with various mediums to create avant-garde assemblages around 1910. Collages can be created from a range of materials, though most are made of paper or wood and often feature cut-and-pasted photographs, painted forms, …

Different art styles-Memphis Design

Memphis design is one example of how a movement that, in the early aughts, would’ve seemed ridiculous, but is now back in style among influencers and tastemakers. Memphis is a design movement that began in 1981. While the name might make you think that it was born in Tennesse, it got its start in Milan, Italy. …

Different art styles-pop art

Pop art is easily recognizable due to its vibrancy and unique characteristics that are present in many of the most iconic works of the movement. Pop art emerged in reaction to consumerism, mass media, and popular culture. This movement surfaced in the 1950s and gained major momentum throughout the sixties. Pop art transitioned away from …

Different art style-vaporwave

Vaporwave originates from a microgenre of electronic music. Nowadays, it becomes a visual art style and an Internet meme that emerged in the early 2010s. It is defined partly by its slowed-down, chopped, and screwed samples of smooth jazz, elevator, R&B, and lounge music from the 1980s and 1990s. Vaporwave has an undeniable visual style but …