Film lighting-HMI lights

HMI stands for Hydrargyrum medium-arc iodide. So, we often call it HMI light. HMI lights are a metal-halide gas discharge medium arc-length lamp. HMI lamps are capable of between 85 and 108 lumens per watt, up to four times that of conventional incandescent lamps. They’re able to produce that high of output because of a chemical …

Commercial animation and animation ads

VANS Journey 50th Anniversary  It is really awesome work. It shows vans changing in these 50 years. The ads combine two types of animation, hand-drawing and stop motion. I think it is a really stylish and creative ad. There are more amazing examples of animation ads. #1 Rhombus Network – Yum Yum Videos #2 ESPM …

The first time using ToonBoom

It is the first time for me to use toonboom to finish LIAF. Toon boom is a really functional software in the animation industry. There are several types to make animation such as hand-drawing, default, animation, and so on. The camera is a really useful tool in Toon boom. It is easier to make the …

Film lighting-Tungsten lights

What are Tungsten lights? Tungsten or Tungsten Halogen lights are incandescent filament bulbs which are common in homes and offices but have been being slowly replaced with longer lasting, more reliable bulbs. What sets these bulbs apart is that they take advantage of what is known as the “halogen cycle.” Each bulb has pressurized halogen …

Experimental animation-2

clay painting Clay painting is a kind of stop motion animation which grew out of clay animation. In clay animation, filmmakers focus audience’s attention on the surface of the clay, instead of creating three-dimensional puppets. Joan Gratz is one of the pioneers in using these techniques. She worked in Will Vinton’s studio early in her …

Experimental animation-1

What is experimental animation? Experimental animation is a form of animation in which motion image have their own rhythm and movement where it has no narration or a specific structure in animated films. It is considered to be subjective and non-linear that deals with philosophic and spiritual concerns that the artists and film-makers convey (From …

combination of visual art and real shotting

Recently, in the animation industry, many artists try to mix illustration and real shooting. Combining two different kinds of techniques can make an amazing visual effect. I think it is similar to collage or composite images. This style now can be used everywhere such as advertisements, illustrations, animation, or film. This is because this combination …

About different kinds of clay

ultra-light clay The features of ultra-light clay are easy painting, shaping, and environmental-friendly. It is very popular in Japan. It can mix colors. For example, if you need purple clay, you can mix blue and red clay. It is easy to operate. All works can be naturally air-drying without baking. It is suitable for making …