how to rig a character in After Effects.

using “duik plugin”
put in after effects application–>scripts—>scriptUI panels—>put
reopen after effects —> bottom of windows
separate all joints and arms and legs in different layers—> move the center to joints of arms and legs—>select arms and AUTOIK—>controller
making mouth shape:
making mouth shape in after effects—>combine into composition—>select “effects” ‘expression”slider controller’—>parents to slider—>select time rexx—>option + click—>change expression to —> a=effect(“slider control”)(“slider”)

Killing Eve…

A British spy thriller televesion series, Killing Eve is definitely one of the best of its own genre. For some reason it reminds me of watching one of the legend television series, “Breaking Bad”, in a way that the story is about assimilation of the heroine, Eve Polastri, to a cold-blooded killer, Villanelle.

Its interesting to watch how Eve, originally a detective working in MI6, falls in love (or obsession) with Villanelle, a killer who is wanted by the department. Moreover, it is quite

Some thoughts on “Uncle Vanya”

Uncle Vanya is a play by Russian playwright Anton Chekhov (googled it). Me and few friends of mine, without much expectation, went on to watch the play on last friday night. I was, however, excited of watching the first play of my life on live!!!

Enough for the boring intro. I won’t spoiler too much about the content of the play, but the acting skills of actors on stage were definitely better than most of those i saw on cinematics.

Uncle Vanya, especially, well depicted a mid-age man who has achieved nothing in his life, now facing a reality that the only thing he though belonged to him was about to be taken away.

I think the play, in general, delivers a message to the audience that “no matter what happens in my life, you just have to carry on”.

This is my first play, but, im definitely willing yo say that Uncle vanya must be one of the best play to portrait a contrast between depressing reality and unconditional optimism

Killing Eve…

A British spy thriller televesion series, Killing Eve is definitely one of the best of its own genre. For some reason it reminds me of watching one of the legend television series, “Breaking Bad”, in a way that the story is about assimilation of the heroine, Eve Polastri, to a cold-blooded killer, Villanelle

Its interesting to watch how Eve, originally a detective working in MI6, falls in love (or obsession) with Villanelle, a killer who is wanted by the department. Moreover, it is quite obvious that the show in general, uses rather soft, sweet sounding french music as bgm whenever Villanelle appears. It shows a strong contrast between her identity as a killer.


Parasite is definitely the best asian that i’ve watched in few years, i would like to share some of my thoughts on the film. Parasite, through contrast between two families, portraited wealth gap between the rich and the poor, including all sorts of issues derived from it.

There is one scene, however, that i find confusing. When the father kills the chairman, my first thought was “what the hell”. As abrupt as it seemed, i was confucsed of the reason behind his bloody action. After given some thoghts, however, i have made myself some conclsion – the father, witnessing his beloved daughter being murdered in front of him, and his son, carried away while bleeding on his head, is disgusted and furious by the action the chairman took.

Low key lighting

The definition of low key lighting is a filmic lighting style that uses a hard source to encase your scene in shadow. Low key lighting wants contrast and blackness.

Low Key Lighting:
Dark tones, blacks, shadows
Striking contrast images
Used in noir or thrillers for ominous warnings

What is a Fill Light?
A fill light cancels out the shadows created by the key light. A fill light is placed on the opposite of the key light, and usually not as powerful as the key.

Fill Light Summary:
Remove shadows created by the key,
Does not create shadows or it’s own characteristics.
What is a Backlight?
A backlight hits an actor or object from behind. It is placed higher than the object it is lighting. Backlights are used to separate an object or an actor from a background. They give more shape and depth. Backlights help the frame feel three-dimensional.

Back Light Summary:
The sun is a great backlight – you can use a reflector or bounce the sun at a lesser intensity back the subject.
If a backlight is placed behind an actor at an angle, the backlight is called a “kicker.”

High key light

The definition of high key lighting is a style of lighting for film, television, or photography that reduces the lighting ratio in the scene. In the first days of film, this was done to deal with high contrast, but now it’s used by filmmakers to adjust the mood and tone of a scene.

High Key Lighting:

Dominated by white tones from bright lights

Minimal use of blacks and mid-range tones

Tone can be optimistic or hopeful Used in a lot of pop music video lighting setups